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01 November 2016

Truth of picture at Etiuda&Anima 2016

Nowdays documentary has its renaissance. Makers turn gladly to reality and reach for documentary forms. During this year’s edition of festival we will be able to meet with different examples of new documentary in movie world.


10 found footage of 5 authors in choice of Maciej J. Drygas 

In age of omnipresent digitalization and backing from common use of film reel, interest in carrier is growing. Attention of artists concentrate not only at content of recording, but also on materiality of movie carrier. That returns movie reel its value and meaning, cause old movie rels often hide forgotten secrets which disappear with them without return.

Maciej J. Drygas, great Polish documentalist, presents his choice of ten movies found footage, which will resurrects archive pictures. Found footage is a technic using making new movie from compilation of existing movie materials. Author of review himself was Rusing this metod as one of firsts.


In programme we will see movies by Bill Morrison, American artist Rusing technic found footage: „Decasia”, that is visual experiment based on old falling apart movie reels from age of silent cinema, also „The Great flood”, „Light Is Calling”. There will be presentation of documentaries from Soviet Union – „The Beginning”, „The Inhabitants” and „Our Century” by Artavazd Peleshian, and „Blocade” by Siergiej Loznica from 2006.  We will screen also Dutch found footage: „Mother Dao, The Turtlelike” by Vincent Monnikendam, “ The Danube Exodus” and “Maelstrom – A Family Chronicle” by Péter Forgács.

This will be brillant occasion to see unique recycled movies.

10 found footage of five authors in choice of  Maciej J. Drygas

Małopolski Ogród Sztuki – Small Screnning Room
November 23rd (Wenesday) 21.00 – „The Danube Exodus”
November 25th (Friday), 19.15 – „Blocade”
November 25th (Friday), 20.30 – „Light is Calling”,  „The Great Flood”
November 26th (Saturday), 18.00 – „The Beginning”, „The Inhabitants”, „Our Century”
November 26th (Saturday), 21.00 – „The Maelstrom” – A Family Chronicle”

Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room
November 26th (Saturday), 16.00 –  „Decasia”
November 27th (Sunday) 14.00 – „Mother Dao, the Turtlelike”


Hitler’s Folly

Mockumentaries are fiction pretending to be documentary movie. This game with truth of ten is in form of satire or parody. „Hitler’s Folly” by Bill Plympton is humouristic story of life and dreams of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. Movie tells about unfulfilled carrier of Hitler as animator, who wanted to create place similiar to Disneyland, called Naziland.


Basing at information that Hitler wanted to be a painter and also gossips that he loved Disney’s „Snow White and seven dwarves” Plympton presents secret history of Third Reich in which supposed to be created four-hour animated saga “ Die Nibelungen” with ….. a cartoon duck. “Hitler’s Folly” shows, what could happen if artistic carrier of Hitler went different way and – instead of becoming cruel dictator – he would became animation maker with position similar to Walt Disney.

November 27th (Sunday), 18.00
Kijów Centrum – Large Screnning Room


Uri Kranot presents animated documentaries from around the world

Uri Kranot is an author and direktor of movies and animations awarded all around the Word. Till now he got more  than 30 international awards. He conducts master courses around the World, and retrospectives of his movies were presented among others at Paris’s Forum des Images in 2009. His newest movie „Hollow Land” was on short list of candidates for Oscar.

Uri Kranot is also passionate about animated documentary movies. He the main tutor and content supervisor of AniDox:Lab, programme with goal is to intitiating and developing cooperatopn between makers of documentaries and animations and supporting them in realisation of together projects.


During Festival Etiuda&Anima he will present most interesting animated documents from around the Word. In programme there will be movies from United Kingdom („Laying bare”, „Centerfold”, „Through The Hawthorn”), USA („Love In The Time Of March Madness”, „King Tervuren”), Sweden („Stillborn”), France („Salers”), Germany („The Bear”), Netherlands („Mister Sand”), Denmark („How Long, Not Long”), Norway („We Will Arrive Tommorow”).

November 26th (Saturday) 20.15
Małopolski Ogród Sztuki – Large Screening Room


Portrait of Michaël Dudok de Wit

Guest of this year’s editio of Festival is accomplished animation maker Michaël Dudok de Wit, Oscar Winner for Best Animated short – movie in 2001 („Father and daughter”). Dutchman will present secrets of his workshop in Autoportraits of Animation Makers, and we will present his full – time debute – animation “Red turtle”, which wasa created with cooperation of Japanease studio Ghibli.


On this occasion we invite you for screening of „The Longing of Michaël Dudok de Wit", which shows animators’ crew under command of Dudok de Wit working at “Red Turtle”. This making-off show process of ma king movie and craft and perfection of its author, one of the biggest masters of now-days animation.

November 25 (Friday) 15.00
Kijów Centrum – Small Screeening Room

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