st. Morawskiego 5/220C
30-102 Krakow
+ 48 507 062 615
13 November 2015

Selfies and portraits or "Self-Portraits of animators"

During this year's edition of the Etiuda & Anima Film Festival, viewers will have the opportunity to look at the work of prominent entertainers who represent diametrically different styles, aesthetics and themes. Kraków will host the youthfulness and nonchalance of Kaspar Jancis, the feminism and intransigence of Signe Baumane and the mystery and sophistication of the Brothers Quay caught by Christopher Nolan.

autoportrets, selfies

 “Self-Portraits of animators” is one of the most interesting events of Etiuda & Anima. They are  interactive performances in which the artist reveals the techniques of his/her work to the audience,  and allows participating in the creative act - the public can watch through the next stages of animation thanks to a camera suspended over the table while listening to the author comments.

Kaspar Jancis, Etiuda&Anima guest / gość

The first one to perform live will be the Estonian Kaspar Jancis. This rock and roll animator takes viewers on a ride with no breaks. The love for animation appeared during Jancis early childhood. In his youth he developed it in parallel with a passion for music -he was a member of rock groups, a songwriter and a producer. He studied animation at the Academy of Art and Media in Turku,  Finland. His artistic supervisor was Priit Pärn. Jancis is the author of the films: Weitzenberg Street (2002), Frank and Wendy (2003-2005), Marathon (2006), The Very Last Cigarette (2007), Crocodile (2009), Villa Antropoff (2012) and Piano (2015).

Link to an article about Kaspar Jancis:

Self-portraits of animators Part I - Kaspar Jancis
November 24th (Tuesday) at 19.00, Malopolski Ogród Sztuki - large hall

The second self-portrait will be a live performance of Signe Baumane. Baumane is a Latvian artist  currently working in New York. Her work focuses on physicality and sexuality from a woman's perspective and the recent history of Eastern Europe. The artist blends traditional animation drawings of unrestrained imagination and controversial topics. She creates a kind of autobiography by reaching into her personal traumas and memory, but also reworks the collective memory.


Baumane is the author of the animated films Natasha (2001), Woman (2002), Denstist (2005), the series Teat Beat of Sex (2008), Birth (2009) and the full-length Rocks in My Pockets (2014).

Link to an article about Signe Baumane:

Self-portraits of animators Part II - Signe Baumane
November 24th (Wednesday) at 19.00, Malopolski Ogód Sztuki- large hall

Christopher Nolan, Quay Brothers

The third self-portrait is remarkable because it's double. Viewers will be able to penetrate the sophisticated world of Stephen and Timothy Quay. Our cicerone will be no other but Christopher Nolan himself. The documentary looks into the Quay Brothers studio - an intimate space where for over 30 years they have been creating their animated fantasies. Their most famous works include: The Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer (1984), Street of Crocodiles (1986) Rehearsals for Extinct anatomies (1986), Comb (1990) Anamorphosis (1991), In Absentia (2000), Museum of phantoms (2003) and The Mask (2010). The documentary will be accompanied by some of Quay Brothers animations selected by Nolan. We will see: Street of Crocodiles, In Absentia and Comb. It is worth noticing that all films will be shown in 35mm -that's the film format that the Quays have been using for recording.

Link to an article about the Quay Brothers in Christopher Nolan's eyes:

Self-portraits of animators Part III
The Quay Brothers In 35 mm Curated by Christopher Nolan
November 28th (Saturday) at 16.30, Rotunda

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