st. Morawskiego 5/220C
30-102 Krakow
+ 48 507 062 615
26 November 2015

Human face of crisis

The migration problem in Europe lasts for at least few years.Socially sensitive cinema  was annoucing it 20 years, and today’s young creators continue this tradition giving the event modern optics.

In 1992 Grand Prix of Kraków Film Festival went to Danish movie Besieged Europe by Poul-Eric Heilbuth and Hans Bülow. Directors, trying to diagnose beginnings of crisis, showed in the movie rising wave of refugees from east and helpless Europeans dealing with it. Despite the reasons of migration were different then than now, we decided on this year Etiuda&Anima Festival to remind this considerable work and treat it as starting point for discussion with one of its makers, Poul-Eric Heilbuth.

persisting dreams still #5Also as a part of ETIUDA contest there will be two movies on refugee crisis shown: Wada (Disadvantage) by Khaled Mzher and Uporczywe sny (Persistent Dreams) by Côme Ledésert. First takes the face of Ibrahim, immigrant from Syria, who is touched by war raging in his country despite the distance measured in thousands of kilometers. While Persistant dreams has face of Toni, fisherman from Lampedusa – witness of tragic fight of refugees with element of water. For him refugees moving further into Europe seem to be like dreams leaving weak, but indelible trace.

Personal and withdrawn cinema is the best way to get deeper look at the problem, which whole Europe is burning from. With big certainty it’s worth to look each of those three movies and put aside obvious thesis of histerical media pictures for stories of wind-whipped faces.

Uporczywe sny (Persistant dreams)


Rotunda (large screening room)
November 26th (Thursday), 5 p.m.


Besieged Europe + discussion after screening

Małopolski Ogród Sztuki (large screening room)
November 26th (Thursday), 7 p.m.

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