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11 November 2016

“Ederly” – the second live-action film of Piotr Dumała

How to define the latest black and white offering by Piotr Dumała? It is a film made in the convention of silent cinema by the Polish master of animation, exposing how easy it is to become dependent on the opinions and expectations of the community we live in.

The film's title comes from the name of the town where the ation is set. It is located “somewhere in Poland” but lacks any distinctive landscape or sites. The town lives its own life and its inhabitants do not venture beyond its borders. One day, a man, claiming his name is Słow and he is a sculpture restorer commissioned for work, appears in town. He is wrongly identified as a missing relative of one of the families and suddenly becomes somebody's son, grandson, fiancé and lover. The newcomer blends into the family and tries to live up to everybody's expectations.


“I fell in love in this insanely inventive production which cracks you up but, at the same time, gives you food for thought and inspires you to reflect on your own life.”

Krzysztof Połaski, Telemagazyn

There is no doubt that the great strength of the film is its cast. Mariusz Bonaszewski, who plays the main protagonist, gives an amazing performance. The other roles, performed by the Polish actors with unconventional acting techniques, are also full of expression. Helena Norowicz, Aleksandra Popławska, Aleksandra Górska, Gabriela Muskała, Piotr Skiba and Wojciech Cichy gave a grotesque feature to their characters. Jerzy Płażewski, an eminent Polish film critic and historian of cinema, also appeared in the film shortly before his death. Each role stands out from the others and each character has his own history. The combination of excellent acting skills and exceptional  director's imagination created an unpredictable plot. Fans of Witold Gombrowicz will surely recognize a hint of the writer's psychological approach to the audience.

“The realistic production, characteristic cinematography and some of the acting introduce a tone of the beginning of the XXth century to “Ederly”, which makes it an outstanding title.”

Paweł Pachla,

“Ederly” is a psychological drama intertwined with a comedy of errors. Its difficult and intelligent humour makes the film unique. The director leaves a huge margin of interpretation to its viewers. With its surreal and classical elements and amazing acting, the film lingers in memory long after the screening.

Director & writer: Piotr Dumała, cinematography: Adam Sikora, music: Selma Mutal, Poland 2016, 87 min.

27th November (Sunday), 4:00 PM
Kijów Centrum – Main Room

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