Witold Giersz – head of the Jury, Marta Pajek, Thomas Renoldner, Donald McWilliams, Marek Skrobecki
Golden Jabberwocky
„Inaka Isha Franz Kafka’s”/„Franz Kafka’s A Country Doctor”, dir. Koji Yamamura (Japan)
Silver Jabberwocky
„Le loup blanc”/ „The White Wolf”, dir. Pierre-Luc Granjon (France)
Bronze Jabberwocky
„Lapsus”, dir. Juan Pablo Zaramella (Argentina)
Special Golden Jabberwocky Award for the best student film of the festival:
„Meteoria”, dir. Olga Woszczyna, ASP, Cracow, Poland
Honourable Mentions
„James Dean”, dir. Corentin Rouge (France)
„Refreny”/„Refrains”, dir. Wiola Sowa (Poland)
„Adjustment”, dir. Ian Mackinnon (/UK)
„História Trágica com Final Feliz”/„Tragic Story with Happy Ending”, dir. Regina Pessoa (Portugal)
„Matopos”, dir. Stephanie Machuret (France)
The Great (Un)Appreciated – the Award of the Art Director of the IFF Bogusław Zmudziński
„Életvonal” / „Life Line”, dir. Tomek Ducki (Hungary)
Student Jury Award
„Printed Rainbow”, dir. Gitanjali Rao (India)
Audience Award
„Refreny”/„Refrains”, dir. Wiola Sowa (Poland)
Polish Filmmakers Association Award
„Dokumanimo”, dir. Małgorzata Bosek (Poland)