st. Morawskiego 5/220C
30-102 Krakow
+ 48 507 062 615
04 October 2013

ETIUDA Competition


Jerzy Kucia – head of the Jury, Bogdan Dziworski, Marcin Giżycki, Piotr Kielar, Gillian Lacey, Tadeusz G. Wiktor


Grand Prix – Golden Dinosaur

„Črepinjice” / „Breakages”, dir. Janez Lapajne, AGRFT - Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Special Golden Dinosaur Award on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of IFF Etiuda

„Leuchtturm der Leidenschaft” / „The Lighthouse of Passion”, dir. Nikolaus Buchholz, HFF „Konrad Wolf”, Potsdam-Babelsberg (Germany)

Silver Dinosaur - ex aequo

„Mashe’hoo Ba’al. Erech” / „Small Change” , dir. Dorit Hakim, The Sam Spiegel Film & T.V. School Jerusalem (Israel)

„Bermuda”, dir. Ülo Pikkov, Turku School of Art and Communication (Finland)

Bronze Dinosaur

„Fake!”, dir.Sebastian Peterson, HFF „Konrad Wolf”, Potsdam-Babelsberg (Germany)

Honourable Mentions

„Na kwadrans przed śmiercią Roland T. już nie żył” / „A Quater to his Death Roland T. Was Already Dead”, dir. Piotr Szczepański, PWSFTiT, Łódź (Poland)

„Drewniane oko Krzysztofa” / „The Wooden Eye of Kristoff”, dir. Tomasz Gliński, PWSFTiT, Łódź (Poland)

„Krvavý Hugo” / „Bloody Hugo”, dir. Aurel Klimt, FAMU, Prague (Czech Republic)

„Śmierć w labiryncie” / „Death in the Labyrinth”, dir. Fernando Gonzalez Oset, PWSFTviT, Łódź (Poland)

„Konec sezóny” / „End of the Season”, dir. Tomáš Barina, FAMU, Prague (Czech Republic)

Annotation: Additionally, the Jury would like to express their appreciation for the high artistic qualities of all the films competing in ETIUDA Competition.

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