st. Morawskiego 5/220C
30-102 Krakow
+ 48 507 062 615
09 November 2015


Instructor: Marta Gebhardt, Bogna Sroka-Mucha
Date: 28.11.2015 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00AM – 1:00PM
Location: Konfederacka 4, Kraków
Cost: FREE

In the workshop we are going to show the children – step by step – all the phases of making an animated film. We are going to create the Mini Film Studio together. The participants are going to comprise executive teams – screenwriters, storyboarders, artists and animators.

Our guides to the amazing world of animation are going to be a little paper boy named Hitty and his magical hat – Hatty. Their adventures make a base of animated movie series for preschoolers emerging in the Anima Art Studio by their originator – Bogna Sroka-Mucha. The workshop will therefore be an opportunity to meet the characters that are going to appear in TV before the premiere.

Hee Hee Hatty is a cartoon that is supposed to accompany the preschool children with creating and releasing the most common emotions and to help them developing their mental, social and physical skills. Through cheerful, simple and easy to see contents it teaches the youngest viewers to discover reality around them and allows them to gently touch the external world.

1. THEATRE – Screenplay writing workshop
Using puppets children invent a new episofe of Hee Hee Hatty. Playing theatre is supposed to bring the children out and to animate their imagination.

2. LOGIC – Storyboard making workshop
Children use Hee Hee Hatty stickers to build a storyboard. They add their own graphic elements.

3. VISUAL ART – artistic realisation
Children make mobile puppets, Hee Hee Hatty hats and other items that appeared in a screenplay

4. ANIMATION – main characters animating
Stop-motion classes.


Marta Gebhart, Warsztaty Czapu Czipu

Graduate from the Jagiellonian University film studies. Founder of the film animation school Anima Art in Cracow and increasingly growing film producer.

Bogna Sroka, Warsztaty Czapu Czipu

Graduate in Graphic Arts from the Cracow Academy of Fine Arts. She is mostly concerned with book and press illustration. She cooperates permanently with magazines ‘Traveler – National Geographic’, ‘Kaleidoscope’ and ‘Inspire’. Her artworks appeared in all-Poland journals like ‘Newsweek’, ‘Forum’, ‘Elle’, ‘Wysokie Obcasy’ or ‘Wiedza i Życie’.
Besides graphic design she creates art pieces that stand between drawing and installation. On her record she already has her own book for children ‘Smuggling’ (‘Przemyt’) released by publishing house Muchomor. In 2014 she finished her doctorate on authorial illustration in books and animated movies. She crowned her dissertation with two children’s books and fifteen episodes of animated series ‘Hee Hee Hatty’ (‘Czapu Czipu’) that were co-founded by the PISF and the KBF.
Apart from being lecturer of Book Illustration in Faculty of Arts at the Pedagogical University in Cracow, she is also a mum of little Tytus. Her book inspirations are drawn from her own experiences and deeply observing her son.

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