The most renowned feature animated film by the recently deceased Leszek Gałysz, author of well-known and highly valued animated series for children.
The twin brothers Jacek and Placek were born in a little town of Zapiecek. The boys were reluctant to work and dreamt of finding a place where they wouldn’t have to do any work at all. One day they decide to escape the town and look for such a land. During their long journey the twins have lots of various adventures.
Jacek and Placek
directed by Leszek Marek Gałysz, screenplay by Krzysztof Kowalski, Leszek Marek Gałysz, cinematography by Barbara Stankiewicz, music by Jan Borysewicz, Poland 1992, animation, 72 min.
22nd November (Thursday), 12 p.m.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room