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17 November 2016

Drawn reality of Uri Kranot

Is possible to show reality by animation? During this year’s edition of festiwal Uri Kranot, Israeli moviemaker, animator and guardian of Laboratorium AniDox, will convince us that yes. 

Uri Kranot is Israeli animated movies passionate. Born in 1975 roku in Jerusalem author and director of movies and animations. With his wife, Michelle Kranot, makes movies that are shown at many world’s festivals. Kranot got many awards around the world. Latest of his movies "Hollow Land" is on short list of candidates to Academy Awards. Another success of artist is edition of his movies’ retrospective in 2009 at Paris’s Forum des Images. Now Uri Kranot is artist – resident in programme „Workshops of animation” in Danish city Viborg. He is fulfilling as teacher and promoter of diploma works at Viborg’s studios and conducting professional courses and workshops.


Photo from the film „How Long, Not Long”

Director is main lecturer and essential guardian in programme AniDox:Lab. This project is for professionals from movie industry. During it participants take part in seminars and practical workshops of creativity. AniDox:Lab is about connecting and developing cooperation between authors of two movie types: document and animation. Programme supports them in realization of common projects. It’s also part of project called 'The Animation Workshop' – leading Danish institution working on fields of education, culture, communication and business. Main role of artist in this programme is assurence of suport and inspiration for every participant of programme. He is responsible for programme frames for lectures of invited speakers and is guardian of progress and final effects of realization of projects.


Photo from the film „Still Born”

During this year’s festival edition of Etiuda&Anima Uri Kranot will show processes connected with realization of programme, its results and will tell about challenges connected with connecting documental and animated movies. One of elements of artist’s lecture will be presentation choosen by himself most interesting animated documents:


  • Lay Bare, dir. Paul Bush, United Kingdom 2012, 6’06”

„Only shallow people don’t judge by looks”, wrote Oscar Wilde. Lay Bare is complicated portrait of human body showing it like it is only in most intimate moments of our relationswith members of family or lovers – full of erotism, ridicules, beauty and fragility.


  • Centerfold, Ellie Land, prod.: Ellie Land, Great Britain, 2012, 9’

Inspired by series of press articles about raising number of women deciding for cosmetic operations of labia Ellie Land decided to make her next document on that subject.


  • Still Born, dir. Asa Sandzen, Sweden 2014, 10’

Still Born is animated document about loss, anger and sadness. Child’s congenital heart failure set future parents in front of impossible choice.


  • Mr Sand, dir. Soetkin Verstegen, Holland 2015, 9’

Animated documental movie in oneiric climate that recall times of beginnings of cinema and dangers connected with them. Unusal atmosphere of first movie screenings and Cinema halls of that times is rrn or borders eirericand Cinema halls of trecreated with using hand animation techniques.


  • How Long, Not Long, dir. Michelle, Uri Kranot, Denmark 2016, 5’30”

Visual journey doubting, how in times when xenophoby, nationalism and intolerance are common, we understand definition of belonging, which isn’t restricted to certain city, region or state borders.


Anidocs – Uri Kranot presents animated documentaries
Special Guest
Uri Kranot

26th November (Saturday), 8:15 PM
Malopolska Garden of Arts – Big Room

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