st. Morawskiego 5/220C
30-102 Krakow
+ 48 507 062 615
26 November 2015

Socially engaged cinema – ETIUDA contest

We reached halfway of ETIUDA contest, which doesn’t mean that emiotions will lower, it’s totally opposite – young filmmakers are unfathomable mine of refreshing creativity. They are not afraid of working on either macro-, or microcosmos.

Invocation to sleep 03Eyes of the world are focused today on points bordering with war-torn Middle East. One of them is Lampedusa, which soul is looked at by Uporcyzwe sny (Persisitent Dreams) combining technic of documentary with animation. About aftermath of events shaking Europe tells also Spacer (A Walk) touching delicate matter of life after desertion from Donbas. Mexican P*dzio (F*g) speaks in no less important matter – process of growing up of teenage gey to be himself. Between intimacy and social involvment there is a movie Śmierć i dziewczyna (Death and a Girl), which restores history of painter Charlotte Salomon by showing her paintings and private photos.

pto_still 01Young creators are familiar with aesthetics of privateness. In Gdy mama jest smutna, wszyscy są smutni (When Mommy is Sad, Everyone is Sad), director conducts vivisection of female part of her own genealogical tree and search for her own relation with it. Dotyk wolności (A Touch of Freedom) shows that under hard and dirty faces of miners there is often pure desire for freedom hidden. About things hidden tells also Równowaga (Balance), which shows the painful truth closed in such a prosaic action as merry-go-round ride. Importance of everyday actions is shown also in a movie on father – son relations Między niebem a morzem (Between Heaven and Sea).

Presented etuids show that young directors are able not only autothematically look deep inside themselves, but also put under the consideration current, often hard events. But all of them are connected by faultless ability of building convincing worlds and rare seen delicacy in telling about them.

V COMPETITION SCREENING ETIUDA: 26th November (Thursday), 5 p.m. Rotunda

VI COMPETITION SCREENING ETIUDA: 26th November (Thursday), 9 p.m. Rotunda

VII COMPETITION SCREENING ETIUDA: 27th November (Tuesday), 4 p.m. Rotunda

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