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10 listopada 2015

Kaspar Jancis will hooligan live - Self-portraits of animation makers


This year guest of the festiwal, who will uncover secrets of his work to viewers, is Estonian animator, Kaspar Jancis. “ Self-portraits of animation makers” is a special occasion to take part directly in process of making a movie and observe each part of creation act.

Invited artist should feel like as in their own workshop. They sit by wide table, all needed tools in reach of hand, idea of new art work in their mind. But it’s not another, usual day at work – there is camera above the table and microphone next to it. The first registers every move of artist an streams it to cinema screen, the second one catches comments that come with work. Gathered audience watches live, how another, unique animation come to life, asks artist questions, listens to explanations and stories from behind the scenes. The idea is simple, but effect – amazing. “Self-portraits of animation makers” are interactive spectacles, during which viewers are allowed to see deeply – hidden secrets of creation process.

Kaspar Jancis is one of most interesting European animators of young generation. He was born in 1975 in Tallinn. Since childhood he was fascinated by drawing comics. He was also writing short stories, which he illustrated by himself. His first “movie pictures” were made on backs of school notebooks. While being at school with help of brother’s friend, who belonged to movie club, he made his first short animation with using plasticine figures. In early youth he left school for developing musical passion. He was member of few rock groups, lyrics’ author and arranger. In 1996 he started studies at Pedagogy University in Tallinn. There he made his first movie – silent Dr Maiserve and Matshalka Case (1996) and fragmentary animation Flight of the Little White Hellicopter (1996), which was screened in TV and on rock concerts. In 1997 he moved to Academy of fine Arts and Media in Turku, Finland, where he started studying animation under care of Priit Pӓrn. In 1999 he debuted with movie Romance made in Turku, which screened on many international festivals. Jancis is an author of animations: Weitzenberg Street (2002), Frank and Wendy (2003-2005), Marathon (2006), The Very Last Cigarette (2007), Crocodile (2009), Villa Antropoff (2012), Piano (2015). Works of Estonian have minimalistic, but very suggestive style, intransigence and big dose of sly humor.

“Self-portraits of animation makers” – Kaspar Jancis

Małopolski Ogród Sztuki (big hall)
November 24th (Tuesday) at 7:00 pm

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