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22 listopada 2017

Géza M. Tóth - Hungarian self-portrait

On Thursday, the audience of the 24th IFF Etiuda&Anima will have the chance to explore the secrets of works by Géza M. Tóth, a Hungarian animation author, nominated for the Academy Award for his film “Maestro”.


Still from the film "Icar", dir.: Géza M. Tóth


“Animated film directors’ self-portraits” is a section that allows the public to observe the film making process. They say that voyeurism gives us the most pleasure when the object we’re observing is unavailable for the voyeur. Even though it may be the case, our guests will certainly not agree with this statement because they can take pleasure not only from the mere observing of the animation masters but also from the direct contact with the master him- or herself.

Géza M. Tóth is a master in his field. His „subtle, almost sandy animations about freedom” – „Icar” (1998), „Ergo” (2008), his educating works targeted at younger audiences – „Berry and Dolly” (2013) as well as his expressional, stylistically varied adaptations of  well-known works, such as „The Miraculous Mandarin” (2006) are some of his best works. When talking about Tóth it is also impossible not to mention his „incredibilities”: animations with a mystery and a message [„Mama” (2009), „Maestro” (2005)]. The films of Tóth’s are truly diversified.

The question is... how does he do it? Maybe from up-close the public will finally be able to unveil the very secret of his amazingly varied works.

Patrycja Skoczylas


Tłumaczenie: Kinga Ostapińska, Zuzanna Brzozowska


Self-Portraits of Animation Authors (I) Géza M. Tóth
23rd November (Thursday), 05.30 pm.
Kijów Centrum – Large Screening Room




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