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26 listopada 2015

Animation of illusion - Houdini

Who among us does not like magic tricks. Bring your little ones and come to Malopolski Ogród Sztuk for an animated illusion show - Cédric Babouche's Houdini.

Little Houdini is the story of one of the most famous illusionists in history, Harry Houdini (1874-1926). Houdini (born Erik Weisz) was the son of a Jewish rabbi who emigrated with his family from Hungary to the USA. In his new homeland, the young Erik, now called “Harry” by his friends, embarked on the career of an illusionist. Initially he focused on traditional card tricks, but soon he became famous as a spectacular escape artist: he freed himself from handcuffs, chains, ropes, straitjackets, tightly locked boxes.


The film tells the story of the childhood of the “Handcuff King”. The 12-year old Harry, who is already fascinated with magic, lives with his parents in the town of Appleton where he perfects his tricks. One day he sings up for a big competition organized by the mayor of New York to inaugurate the Statue of Liberty. There he meets the great “mage”, Tesla…

Little Houdini takes us on a fascinating journey through the world at the end of the 19th century, where illusion blends with intellect, and science with magic. With a steampunk touch, Babouche presents the fate of an artist who became the supreme role-model for magicians, gained countless followers and manages to inspire illusionists to date. Apart from Houdini, Babouche’s movie also features another eminent person from that time, Nikola Tesla, a brilliant inventor known for his creative approach to electricity.

Cédric Babouche is among the most talented young animators in Europe. His 12-minute short, Imago, which merges watercolors with 2D and 3D animations, was met with enthusiastic reception and was screened on over 110 film festivals, winning two awards on the Cannes Film Festival. Since 2007, he has been the artistic director of DANDELOOO, where he is responsible for film projects, among others, Little Houdini.

Little Houdini  (reż. Cédric Babouche, France 2014, 52’)

Malopolska Garden of Arts (large screening room)
26th November (Thursday), 10 a.m.

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