ul. Morawskiego 5/220C
30-102 Kraków
+ 48 507 062 615
23 lipca 2013

ETIUDA Competition


János Kende – head of the Jury, Jadwiga Głowa, Bjørn Stale Bratberg, Saša Gedeon, Martin Pošta


Grand Prix – Golden Dinosaur

„Radioakcja”/„Live action radio”, dir. Tomasz Jurkiewicz, Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)

Silver Dinosaur

„52 procent”/„52 Percent”, dir. Rafał Skalski, PWSFTviT, Łódź (Poland)

Bronze Dinosaur

„Amancay”, dir. Milagros Mumenthaler, Universidad del Cine, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Special Graduate

„Under Underground”, dir. Viera Čákanyova, FAMU, Prague (Czech Republic)

Special Golden Dinosaur Award for the best film school of the festiwal:

University of Ljubljana AGRFT

The Great (Un)Appreciated – the Award of the Art Director of the IFF Bogusław Zmudziński

„High Hopes”, dir. Mazdak Nassir, University of Art and Design Helsinki (Finland)

Student Jury Award

„Under Underground”, dir. Viera Čákanyova, FAMU, Prague (Czech Republic)

Audience Award

„15 lat milczenia”/„15 Years of Silence”, dir. Jan P. Matuszyński, Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland)

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